Transforming Men

The Transforming Men workshops aimed to create a safe space for men to discuss their masculinities, as well as to engage men on issues of violence and sexual and reproductive health and rights, as well as equality. The workshops comprised of:

Discussions on fatherhood

Sex, sexuality, and reproduction

Workshops on preventing violence

Read the the contents and testimonials from the workshops below!*

*all names are pseudonyms

These workshops were run by the incredible team of Samuel Lamptey, Nii Kwartelai Quartey, and Nii Kwartei Owoo, in partnership with the organisation Act for Change

They were funded by the LSE Knowledge, Exchange, and Impact award

35 men attended the workshops over the course of 3 months. Each workshop provided a unique environment to discuss topics such as violence, sex, relationships, abortion, and gender…

Discussions on fatherhood

Men discussed their experiences of fatherhood and were invited to “rate their father”, offering an opportunity to share their positive and negative experiences of fatherhood.

To get men to think about responsibility and care, pairs would choose one man to be blindfolded and the other must guide him in participating in activities

Focus group discussions allowed for men to share what they have learnt from their fathers and from the activities

— When I was leading my partner, I realized that it was like if you're a father, you're solely responsible for another person's life (James)

Sex, sexuality, and reproduction

In this workshop, men were invited to share their first sexual experience, and how they felt about sex. Men discussed what a healthy sexual lifestyle was for them.

After a condom demonstration, men took part in a local radio podcast to discuss the content of the workshops.

In a follow up workshop, men participated in the Values Clarification on Abortion Transformation. Men reflected on workshops on sex:

The workshops has been an eye opener. Anytime I come here, my expectations are being exceeded. I'm glad because I've learnt a lot from this project (Laud)

Workshops on preventing violence

The workshop started with a hot seat activity, where men were invited to share experiences of violence. Reflection questions were asked on coping as a man growing up in James Town, and whether they had ever experienced or perpetuated violence

Men were then split into groups to discuss support systems against violence and to reflect on both how men can report abuse and the mechanisms to prevent other men from being violent against women and girls

Organizations should focus on men, create awareness and go to men or make available space like we have here for men to be able to share (Kojo)

I have transformed to responding to violence with no violence…to get permission from women before sex

Kwame, 30

It has taught me how to treat others well by not hurting them because we all have feelings so should think about others feelings. It has really changed my attitudes towards my girlfriend and also my parents by knowing how to communicate with them

Nii, 21

I’ve personally learnt that anger isn’t always the solution and we should never pay heed to what society throws at us, like being pressured by them to rise to a standard we are not cool with

Ismail, 26